Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Problem solving

Today we have been learning how to do 100 times tables using problem solving.  The hard part was understanding where to put the zero's. The easy part was finding an answer. My next step is to learn how to times by 1000's.


  •  add right to left start at ones column 
  • When times by 10 add one zero ( into the ones column )
  • When times by 100 add two zero's ( into the ones and tens column )

Thursday, August 8, 2019

First encounter

For the past few weeks we have been learning about first encounters. My group did James Cook. We were given ipads to work on to make objects like People, Waka, Boats and lots more. With thoose objects we put the into a 3d world. The easy part was deciding who was going to make which objects.
The hard part was finding what app to use to make my objects.

Sunday, July 7, 2019

Math eyes

Today I started my first day of our holiday blogging activity's.  The easy part was writing what I could see. The hard part was finding the right appropriate image to use.

Wednesday, July 3, 2019



Last week Wednesday we had our Matariki whanau day. The part I enjoyed was seeing my grand parents because I got to show them my work and my class.  My least favorite part was performing because I got stage fright.

Monday, June 24, 2019

Persuasive writing

Today we are learning persuasive writing. I learnt how to structure a peace of persuasive writing in the order. Opinion, reasons, examples and opinion restated or OREO. 

We were told to write about why we think we should or shouldn't have animals as pets.
Then we all got in groups if we agreed or disagreed and we gave each other reasons why we thought that we should or shouldn't have animals as pets. The skills I was learning are things such as structure of a persuasive,  reasons and putting them into a graphic organiser, look carefully, recognize a reason and a example and also to take a stance on your thoughts.

Friday, June 21, 2019

A day as a cat ( Narrative writing )

For the past 2 weeks I have been learning how to write a narrative. We were all given a topic (A day as a cat or a dog) 
The easy part was picking what animal I wanted to be.
The hard part was trying to pick the right kind of theme.
My goal for next time is to use more adjectives 


Thursday, June 6, 2019

Cultural festival

On Friday last week we had the cultural festival. The cultural festival was about whanaungatanga and kapa haka.  Other schools came to perform and show us what they do in kapa haka. My favourite part was the food stall because they had things like donuts and pancakes. My least favourite part was performing because I got stage fright.

Waitangi trip

Waitangi trip 

Did you know that this year marks the 250 year since the Europeans came to New Zealand? For the past two days we have been spending our days at Waitangi treaty ground learning about the past when the Europeans came to NZ. 
My favourite part was when we got to play with the dash robots, VR goggles and the museum.
My least favourite part was finding the right app to use to talk about my learning. 

Friday, May 24, 2019

T2 assembly reflection

T2 assembly reflection

My favorite part was making the doc where everyone linked there work. My least favorite part was the Waka thing because I was squished and Sonny and Xavier kept hitting my hoe. Next time for improvement I want to ask the teacher to let us pick some of our items.

Thursday, May 2, 2019

Recount Reflection

Recount reflection

This week in writing I have been learning how to write a recount with the proper punctuation and other stratify. We were given the topic something that happened in the holidays and we had to write about it. Before we started writing we sat on the mat and talked about what strategy we had to use and why?
I picked the topic babysitting. The first day we had to write our planning and the first two paragraphs in blue pen. The next day we had to finish our writing in red pen and on the last day we had to polish our writing with blue pen.

The hard part was finding a topic because I have been doing lots. The easy part was orginising my plainning. My next step is to use different punction like " ! and ?

Monday, April 1, 2019

The Royal Extraterrestrial Exploration Society

The Royal extraterrestrial exploration society
By Peter Friend and Alicia Ponder

For the past 2 weeks we have been reading a book called The Royal extraterrestrial exploration society. It is about people going to Mars wanting to collect samples and natives for the museum in U.K. Half way in the story they meat a martian called Zorah who things they came to become a colony of Mars but she was wrong. In the end they went home with nothing but few photo's of the martian.

Image result for school journal october 2011 The Royal extraterrestrial exploration society

Writing Goals

Writing goals

For the past two weeks we have been focusing on our e-asttle test. We had to look at our scores and the one with the lowest number had to be the one we had to write our goals around it. The one I did was Structure and language 

My goals
1. I need to learn to expand my writing into longer sentences 
2. Remember i need have 5 paragraphs not 4
3. Use spell check when it is time
4. To use higher level words

Rubric 1
I am learning to write in different ways.
I have not used the correct parts (structure) or words for the type of writing.
Rubric 2
I can use some of the correct parts (structure) for my writing.
I can use some of the right words for the type of writing.
Rubric 3
I have some structure for the type of writing.
I use most of the right words for the type of writing.
Rubric 4
I have all of the structure and one part may be well developed.
I use appropriate words for the type of writing.
Rubric 5
My writing is structured appropriately and is well developed.
I use a range of language features that are appropriate to the purpose.  
Rubric 6
I use all the structural features appropriate to the genre.
I use a range of language features that are appropriate to the purpose and show that I have used them for effect.


Tuesday, March 26, 2019

First up

For the past two weeks we have been reading a book called first up it is about a Russian cosmonaut named Major Yuri Gagarin who was the first human that was sent to space. His job was to orbit earth once and come back. He went in a little space craft called Vostok 1 people believed he was traveling at a the speed of 27,400 kilometers per hour and it only took him 108 minutes.

Image result for Major Yuri Gagarin

My family is a busy zoo

Last week we had to write about our family's being a busy zoo. Our task was to pick an animal that would represent a person in our family. The easy part was knowing what animals belong would suit my parents. The hard part was finding animals for my three sisters. Next time I need to stay focused and not go off task.

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Mission to Jupiter

This week we have been learning how to summaries. Our task was to find key words in our book and put them in the sentence.
Li: To summaries the text
Sc: To identify the key words and put them into paragraphs

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Around the world

This week in math we have been learning about planets and how many times it can go around the sun in one year.

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Mission to Jupiter

For the past three weeks we have been learning about planets and this week we have been reading about Jupiter. Jupiter is the firth planet from the sun it is the largest planet and it takes it 11.8 years to go around the sun.  The book learn about things we didn't now about the universe like Galileo it is used to take photos of the planets and stars.

Image result for planetsImage result for galileo spacecraft

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Koru art reflection

For the past week we have been doing art about our family. We had to draw Koru's that represented a person in our family.


1. What did I find challenging? 
The thing I found challenging was getting a nice shaped Koru.
2.What did I enjoy?
The thing I enjoyed was coloring the Koru's in with cold colors
3. What did I learn?
I learnt how to draw a Koru
4. What would I do different next time?
Next time I want to chose different colors 

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Math worms

This week we have been learning how to problem solve using a hundreds chart and 4 blocks. We had to use our four blocks to line up with four numbers but one had to always be touching one orange square. Once we had four numbers E.g 64,74,84 and 94 we had to add them all together.

The easy part was picking the numbers and adding them together.
The hard part was find something challenging
My next step is to learn how to times three digit numbers

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Waka Haerenga

Today we went to Opua to learn about voyaging. My favorite part was when we got to get on the boat and learn about what they do when they are out voyaging. My least favorite part was when it rained and we had to run inside. If there is a next time I want to learn how navigate using the stars.

Monday, January 14, 2019

Summer learning journey: Missing activity's

Here are the activity's that were deleted and I was unable to post.

Friday, January 11, 2019

Summer learning journey: Questionnaire

On your blog please tell us:
1. What is one thing that you learned from participating in the Summer Learning Journey program this year? I learnt more about the WFF
2.What is one thing that surprised you? The amount of people that had signed up
3.What is one thing that concerned or upset you? The thing that concerned me the most was why do four weeks with 5 days within each day 3 activities to do?

4.What is one thing that you (or your family) can do, moving forward, to help protect our natural environment? Clean the town (aka) Pick up rubbish

Summer learning journey: The final day

Today is the final day of the summer learning journey. I'd like just like to thank Georgia and here team for working hard to put together these activity's for all the kids to participate in.

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Summer learning journey: Day 18

Second two last day of my amazing journey of the summer learning journey adventure

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Summer learning journey: Day 17

Day 3

Summer learning journey: Day 16

Day two of the last week.

I'd just like to congratulate all the kids that have gave up there holidays to do the summer learning journey program. Good luck 

Monday, January 7, 2019

Summer learning journey: Day 15

Today is the first day of the last week of the summer learning journey.

Here are today's activitys

Friday, January 4, 2019

Summer learning journey: Day 13

Could not get to sleep so here is Thursdays activity's

Tuesday, January 1, 2019