Friday, January 11, 2019

Summer learning journey: Questionnaire

On your blog please tell us:
1. What is one thing that you learned from participating in the Summer Learning Journey program this year? I learnt more about the WFF
2.What is one thing that surprised you? The amount of people that had signed up
3.What is one thing that concerned or upset you? The thing that concerned me the most was why do four weeks with 5 days within each day 3 activities to do?

4.What is one thing that you (or your family) can do, moving forward, to help protect our natural environment? Clean the town (aka) Pick up rubbish


  1. Hello Ebony,
    I am Vitaraag. Congrats on completing the Summer Learning Journey. I learned more about the WWF to. Maybe next time you could add on to what you learned about the WWF.


  2. Kia Ora Ebony,

    Congratulations on finishing up the Summer Learning Journey for 2018-2019! It is a huge accomplishment. Our team is really proud of your efforts and we hope that you enjoyed learning all about the world around us this year. We, too, enjoyed learning about the World Wildlife Fund and about all of the amazing, endangered animals and plants that can be found here at home (and overseas).

    We designed the programme to be as flexible as possible so created three activity options each day to allow students to pick and choose the activities that interested them the most. We chose to create activities for five days thinking that most students would want to do some blogging during the week and then take time off on the week-ends to hang out with family and friends. We chose to create four weeks' worth of activities so that there was still plenty of time for everyone to rest and relax. We didn't want to create activities for all six weeks because we figured that people would need a break from work, would be travelling and unable to blog and/or would need time away from their screens. Do you think that we should have done something differently? If so, we'd love to know what you think! We're always trying to change things and make them better. Any suggestions that you have would be really welcome!

    Hope that you have a lovely week and a really nice break before school starts again in February.

    Bye for now!

    Rachel :)
