Thursday, August 8, 2019

First encounter

For the past few weeks we have been learning about first encounters. My group did James Cook. We were given ipads to work on to make objects like People, Waka, Boats and lots more. With thoose objects we put the into a 3d world. The easy part was deciding who was going to make which objects.
The hard part was finding what app to use to make my objects.


  1. Hi Ebony my name is Angela & I go to Paihia School. Your writing had a lot of cool facts in it. Last term we were also learning about people’s journey’s. One of the people that I wrote about was Kupe. By the way your slide show was very interesting. Did you work with a group or by yourself?
    If you want to check out my blog
    Kia Kite

  2. Hi Ebony,
    I enjoyed viewing and reading your presentation about James Cook. I live in Gisborne, Turanganui-a-Kiwa, which is the first landing site of James Cook. We find it interesting that we don't learn more about what happened when Cook landed on Kaiti Beach. Did you know his men shot and killed members of the local iwi? He named us Poverty Bay because the ancestors would not give him food! He sailed a bit further along the coast line up to Tauranga and was given plenty of food and supplies and that is why he named it Bay of Plenty! Interesting eh??
