Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Problem solving

Today we have been learning how to do 100 times tables using problem solving.  The hard part was understanding where to put the zero's. The easy part was finding an answer. My next step is to learn how to times by 1000's.


  •  add right to left start at ones column 
  • When times by 10 add one zero ( into the ones column )
  • When times by 100 add two zero's ( into the ones and tens column )


  1. Hi Ebony. I have checked out your blog today. Great to see you posting your maths learning. I like the various evidence of how you learnt this new strategy.

  2. Tena koe Ebony.
    Thank you for sharing, I have enjoyed looking through your blog keep up the great work.

  3. Kia ora Ebony, my name is Kai. I go to Paihia School. I like your blog because you explained what was hard and what was easy for you. I also like math. One of my favorite parts is times tables. What is your favourite thing in math? Maybe you could use what you know about times 100 to help you times 1000.

  4. Kia ora Ebony, my name is Quineil. I go to your shcool. I like your blog because you explained what was hard and what was easy for you. I also like math. One of my favorite parts is times tables. What is your favourite thing in math? Maybe you could use what you know about times 100 to help.
