Friday, November 19, 2021

Tikanga-a-iwi - Being globally minded



Economy, Economy is the state of a region or country offering goods and services of good value for money. Economy is an area of the production and trade, as well as consumption and distribution of goods and services.


Trading can be defined in many terms, Trade is an act of selling items in exchange for another. So in other words giving someone something for something of theirs.


Globalisation is everything sold around the world, everything that is bought and sold whether it's online or in person. Globalisation is the process of markets across the world becoming more integrated thanks to the exchange of goods and services. 


We all have been researching different exported products. We all had to find where it was made and where it was exported to. I decided to research alcohol. It is a very popular product worldwide and is sold everywhere. This product first existed in early Egypt and has expanded incredibly from there. 

Monday, November 8, 2021

NZ export products

This term in social studies we have been learning about NZ export products. We had to research and track different export products that connect to New Zealand. I choose to research alcohol because this is on of the top NZ products in NZ. We had to track our product and find out which places it was sold using Google Maps. This term I have learnt more about globalisation, economy and trade and look forward to extending my knowledge on NZ Export Products and following the lead from my kaiako Whaea Muritere. Kia ora.