Friday, June 5, 2020


Today we have been learning about different types of tenses ( past, present and future ) . In Te reo Maori we had to write sentences using the three tenses, We used a thing called TACO which stands for tense, action, character and object. The easy part was knowing the sentence structure and knowing how to write it how I wanted it. The hard part was trying not to have the same sentence as others. Next time I want to try and use other actions instead of haere and use better vocab.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Surf lifesavings

Last week on Wednesday Nga Rau Tipuranga,  Nga Rau Rangatira and a few kids from room 16 went to the surf lifesavings in Ruakaka. Well we were there we  learnt about rips, beach safety and what we should and shouldn't do on the beach.  My favourite part was when we got to get in the water. My least favourite part was when we had to leave.