Monday, June 24, 2019

Persuasive writing

Today we are learning persuasive writing. I learnt how to structure a peace of persuasive writing in the order. Opinion, reasons, examples and opinion restated or OREO. 

We were told to write about why we think we should or shouldn't have animals as pets.
Then we all got in groups if we agreed or disagreed and we gave each other reasons why we thought that we should or shouldn't have animals as pets. The skills I was learning are things such as structure of a persuasive,  reasons and putting them into a graphic organiser, look carefully, recognize a reason and a example and also to take a stance on your thoughts.

Friday, June 21, 2019

A day as a cat ( Narrative writing )

For the past 2 weeks I have been learning how to write a narrative. We were all given a topic (A day as a cat or a dog) 
The easy part was picking what animal I wanted to be.
The hard part was trying to pick the right kind of theme.
My goal for next time is to use more adjectives 


Thursday, June 6, 2019

Cultural festival

On Friday last week we had the cultural festival. The cultural festival was about whanaungatanga and kapa haka.  Other schools came to perform and show us what they do in kapa haka. My favourite part was the food stall because they had things like donuts and pancakes. My least favourite part was performing because I got stage fright.

Waitangi trip

Waitangi trip 

Did you know that this year marks the 250 year since the Europeans came to New Zealand? For the past two days we have been spending our days at Waitangi treaty ground learning about the past when the Europeans came to NZ. 
My favourite part was when we got to play with the dash robots, VR goggles and the museum.
My least favourite part was finding the right app to use to talk about my learning.